Friday, August 8, 2008

Where the Girls Are Debunks Boys' Crisis, Gains Media Attention

On May 22, AAUW released its latest research report, Where the Girls Are: The Facts About Gender Equity in Education. The report presents a comprehensive look at girls' educational achievement during the past 35 years, paying special attention to the relationship between girls' and boys' progress. The report debunks the idea of a "boys' crisis," showing instead that both boys and girls from elementary school through college have made steady educational gains over the years. This report is also the first to analyze gender differences within economic and ethnic categories. The data show that academic success is more closely associated with family income than with gender.
Where the Girls Are enjoyed major media coverage on its release. The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, PBS's NewsHour, and many other news sources prominently featured the report. Visit to download a free copy of the full report or the executive summary and help spread the word.

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