Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Leadership Opportunities for Students

Dear AAUW College/University Partner Representative:

Please share the following leadership opportunity and attached announcement with students, administrators, and relevant faculty, such as staff at women’s and career centers, at your institution.

AAUW is now accepting applications for its Student Advisory Council (SAC) for the academic year 2008-09.

With AAUW’s focus on breaking down the economic and educational barriers women and girls face, SAC members provide essential firsthand accounts of student needs and ideas for combating sex discrimination to AAUW staff through monthly conference calls.

SAC members also have many opportunities to develop as leaders and gain valuable résumé-building experience. For example, students will develop women’s equity events on their campuses and in their communities and assist in planning the annual National Conference for College Women Student Leaders, held each June in Washington, D.C. At the conference, student advisers play essential roles in helping lead programs, introduce speakers, encourage networking among attendees, and ensure that the conference runs smoothly.

Applicants must be current students at two- or four-year accredited institutions and have at least a 2.75 GPA, leadership experience, an interest in women’s issues, and the ability to fulfill the necessary time commitment.

Applications must be submitted to lti@aauw.org by September 26, 2008. Complete details and application materials are available online.

Contact lti@aauw.org or 202/785-7719 for more information.


Linda D. Hallman, CAE
AAUW Executive Director

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